My Alacrity Tutorial
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Hello!Im glad you've stumbled upon this post.It's my best tutorial ever!It'll teach you almost everything(if not everything)you need to know about Alacrity.

First with some of the basics:)
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This is a screenshot of my BC(Border collie)Lord Sweep's profile.Well,the bottom of his profile.But the bottom of a profile is the most important part!Lets learn why....

Dog's Training Section
The dog's training section is that little part with the numbers and "Enter Agility Trials" on it.You can train your dog by clicking one of numbered buttons.When a dog is trained to it's full extent the numbers will be bolded over.A dog's Tp is what the training's extent is based on.The higher the more training the dog will need before becoming maxed.Some dogs don't even live to be completely maxed but we'll learn about how to prevent unmaxed deaths later.Once a dog is trained you can enter it in agility trials!When a dog starts training it only has one Training button called Basic training.I like to think of this as leash work,housebreaking,and bonding.This can reach 100% and your dog is on to agility training.


09-7-2011 at 1:55 PM

09-6-2011 at 4:11 PM
Paagge stretchhh!!!<br /> Might I offer some advice? Try shrinking the image in GIMP or photoshop to a reasonable size [for example.. 600-700px wide] and linking to the huge image through an imageshack link? The small picture will be clickable and everything and will serve as a preview of sorts.<br /> To make a clickable picture, use this handy guide: &lt;*a href*=*"PUT THE IMAGESHACK LINK HERE"*>&lt;*img src*=*"PUT THE SMALL IMAGE URL HERE"*>&lt;/*a><br><br>EDIT: I guess the code didn't show up. Fixed it now. Just take out the asterisks *
edit history
2011-09-07 16:45:37 by #5484
2011-09-07 16:44:51 by #5484


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